November 29, 2017

I was looking forward to today as we had a day of trails through the Cambodian countryside, and we were not disappointed. The weather was cooler as we made our way out of Kampong Thom, which is Cambodia’s 3rd largest city. I love the vibrancy of Cambodia, and it was an amazing sight to run past the fish market which was buzzing at 6 am.

From there, we headed inland, away from the Mekong for the first time. However, as we made our way out of the city, the dogs we encountered were ferocious (and were hunting in packs!) so after some quick thinking by Bota, we both armed ourselves with a running pole for protection that thankfully made all the difference.

The scenery was amazing as we made our way through the countryside, and it was nice on the legs to be running on trail. As always, there was so much to take in and digest throughout the day, it makes each day of this journey special.  I’m sure tomorrow will again be another unique experience.

My body is now sore all over, but the niggles in my groin and right knee have improved (at least for now), which is a major relief. We are in Kampong Thomor tonight, which is a very small rural village. We’ve just had some dinner, and I’m now back in my room as we are up early tomorrow to start day 4 of the challenge!



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