Day 5 (Matt)

December 1, 2017

It was tough to drag myself out of bed this morning when another ridiculously early alarm went off. Although, as we started the run from the guesthouse, a nice cool breeze greeted us, and my massage had worked wonders because my legs felt fresh…..ish!

I’m pleased that it was a pretty uneventful day, in the best sense. Mentally we both felt much stronger than yesterday and the finishing line seems to be appearing on the horizon.

The first 10km was a cracking route through some lovely farms, the only downside was once again the dogs which seemed especially aggressive. Reading this blog, you might think I dislike dogs, which is actually a long way from the truth. But the reality is a dog bite here would mean our challenge is over and we’d be straight to the hospital for rabies treatment. Rabies in Cambodia, if left untreated, has a 100% fatality rate so it’s not something to take too lightly.

Dogs aside, it was a great first couple of hours and we moved at a decent pace in the cooler morning temperatures. We seemed to be on parallel roads to Highway 6 for the first 30km but without having to spend too much time on it at any one time.

The last 20km of the day was one long straight road. Ferg and I went at our own individual pace, me with Bota on the bike and Ferg running with the support vehicle. We knew it was a case of just putting one foot in front of another and eating up the kilometres.

Strangely we both seemed to get through it fairly well. My earphones ran out of battery with about 10km to go which was slightly annoying, but that allowed me to go into dream mode. After a “stunning 66 on the Sunday at the Masters” we arrived at our location.

Tomorrow we are running around Kampong Kdei, which is the district where Temple Garden Foundation is based and they carry out their work. It is hopefully going to be a really great final long day (before the half marathon), where we get to see exactly where the money we have raised is going to go. Made even better by our support team, who had arrived in the thousands!

Until then…



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