Day 6 (Ferg)

December 6, 2017

Erin and Kirst joined us at Heng Heng guesthouse last night and while they were happy to see us… I think maybe also a little shocked at the rooms we were staying in. Matt and I ate a mountain of food that the girls kindly brought from the Sofitel and it was lights off ‪at 8 pm‬ for our ‪5 am‬ wake-up call, which was now part of our daily routine.

Today was a special day as we ran through a number of the villages that TGF work in, so it was a nice feeling to have a connection with the villages as we ran past and it was extra special when the villagers were cheering and supporting. There have been a number of emotional moments this week but this was up there, and the support that they showed me really helped push my tired legs on. As we got to the 20km mark for the day, we stopped at a dam and met the entire TGF team. It was great to see everyone and also very nice of them to take a Saturday out to come and support us on on our last long day of the challenge.

My wife (Erin) was a superstar today (as always of course) as she ran 8kms with me despite no training in the searing Cambodian heat. This is a memory that I will cherish, as we ran along hand in hand, at times laughing, at times crying, and at times – doing both! So thank you for that Erin, the support you showed me really helped me get through today.

The last 10kms was tough as my body was sore but I was excited to arrive at the TGF field office where the team would be waiting for us with coconuts and cold towels. Matt was well ahead of me so he waited at Highway 6 so that we could run the last 300 metres together, and just like that we had completed the challenge (well that is….except for the half marathon tomorrow).

It was a nice hour or so after our run as we reflected on the week and the highs and lows but mainly it was nice for Matt and me to stop running and enjoy being with family, friends and the TGF team. All that is left is the Angkor Wat Half Marathon tomorrow….



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