December 8, 2019

Today was a very special day as we were running through many of the villages that Temple Garden Foundation supports in the Chi Kraeng district which is just outside Siem Reap.

We rested at the Heang Heang guest house in Kampong Kdei for the night, and woke up to many of the TGF trustees waiting outside after travelling in from Singapore and the UK – they were raring to go!

The TGF team: Charlotte Marson, Brad Levitt, and Rob Biro.

After such a long week, it was really nice to see them and their support was greatly appreciated! It wasn’t long into the run until the TGF staff started joining us on bicycles and motorbikes which was really cool!

Charlotte and Brad cycling alongside Jonathan and I.

For the first time this week, my body felt very sore but mentally, I knew we were moving towards the end of the Cambodia Run and that really pushed me on.

It was the most amazing experience to run through the villages knowing that many of the villagers will be beneficiaries of the Cambodia Run. This feeling made all of the hard work organising and running for this cause truly worthwhile!!

The highlight of the day’s run was at the 20 KMS mark as our families and friends from Hong Kong met us there. It was so nice to see Erin and my 2 boys. I was delighted to have them out there with me so that they could experience the Cambodia Run first hand! My 2 boys then ran with me for a KM or so, and this is something that I will never forget.

My wife (Erin) and I
My 2 boys

We finished at the Temple Garden Foundation field office, and it was nice to celebrate the conclusion of Cambodia Run with all of our family, friends and the TGF team.

A group photo with the runners, family and friends, and the TGF team

All that was left was for us to run the last few KMS from the Sofitel to the Manulife Move Fair. We were welcomed on stage to share about the Cambodia Run, which was a nice finale to what was an incredible day!

Jonathan, Alex and I on the stage of Manulife Move Fair 2019

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