SPEAKING WITH: Jonathan Gordon, Runner of Cambodia Run 2019

November 11, 2019

  1. Could you please give us a brief introduction about yourself?

    I am a long term Asian resident having moved to Hong Kong in 1997. I’ve always had an interest in most sports but the only sport that I’ve never been involved in is running (until now!).

  2. How did you find out about Cambodia Run, and what made you decide to take part in the challenge this year?

    I work with Mark Ferguson, founder of Cambodia Run, who had been trying to persuade me for a few months to join him. I finally conceded in June 2019 and started training. (Although I wish I had made the decision earlier as the deadline looms!)

    I’ve also been to the charity, Temple Garden Foundation, in Siem Reap with my family. Having seen first hand all the amazing work that TGF does amongst the communities, I consider myself very fortunate to be able to help in some way or another – that was all the motivation I needed.

  3. We heard that you haven’t ran more than 10km until early 2019! How are you preparing for the upcoming 330km run in December?

    Given that I’ve only got 6 months to train and complete 6 marathons in 6 days, it was time to enlist the help of professionals to get fit as quick as I could.

    I am training with Joint Dynamics in Hong Kong, who has given me a strength and fitness programme that will train me for the run.

    There are 2 things to consider here – the mental and physical side. Joint Dynamics is preparing me for the physical aspect, so it is on me to gear myself mentally!

  4. How are you feeling about the upcoming run?

    Nerves and excitement. It will be the most painful and demanding thing I’ve ever done, but the funds that we raise and the difference this will make will outweigh all of these.

  5. Is there a special message that you’d like to tell the supporters of Cambodia Run?

    Thank you to everyone. The support and generosity of our supporters have been overwhelming.

    Every single dollar raised will be spent where it’s needed in Cambodia, and it is no exaggeration to say that this money will change lives.


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